Video, design & Communication
Over the past 25 years I have had the opportunity to work across a wide gamut of creative projects. I have been very fortunate to have had these experiences that all seem to dovetail together!
My skill mix combines an understanding of technology, appreciation of science and a love for creativity - with a dollop of people skills on the top. I studied Industrial Design in the early 90's and shifted towards graphic, packaging and exhibition design.
This visual base is now shifting into more dynamic fields - the web, video and motion graphics.
People and events
Transfering skills and sharing ideas is a very rewarding component of my work. It also keeps me in touch with a diverse range of perspectives and skills, which really helps me with my other work when trying to visualise end users and viewers of my own creative projects.
Training individuals working with small groups or running larger workshops have all become part of my social+technology repertoire.
Outdoor pursuits
Bushwalking, cycle touring and sea kayaking are just some of the distractions I love to look forward to. Cycle touring and camping around Shikoku, Japan (with my 15 month old) was my latest challenge.
James Leech
North Queensland
I often work with these folks....